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Valuation Services

Valuation Services In India | We are Professionals Since 1985

Need a reliable valuation services provider in India? R.K Associates can greatly assist you; we've been operating since 1985 and know precisely what appraisal is necessary in today's complex and ever-evolving company world to make informed financial decisions regarding mergers & acquisitions, investments, and financial statements.

India has an ever-evolving economy and diverse business sectors, making professional valuation services highly demanding. From startups to massive conglomerates, companies require professional appraisal services for regulatory compliance, strategic planning, or dispute resolution purposes. Appraisals may become complex due to India's distinct market and regulatory environment.

India boasts an excellent ecosystem of valuation service providers to support organisations and people with their valuation needs. However, identifying the most trusted provider is critical as firms offer business valuations, financial asset assessments, real estate appraisals, and intangible asset valuations. India's valuation professionals possess the knowledge, experience, and instruments to quickly produce accurate, dependable valuations for multinational corporations, small businesses, and individual investors.

Let's explore these details more deeply, and you will see why R.K. Associates is among the premier choices available on the market for your organisation's needs, as we are the government approved valuer and have been in the market for decades dealing in multiple sectors like Power, Roads, and Infrastructure, as all types of industries with PAN India presence.

Understanding Valuation and Importance of Valuation Services

Valuation determines the present worth of a company, investment, or asset, and the registered valuer organisation which provide services are known as the valuers by their professionals. They determine the value of any business, property, or asset. It involves a comprehensive analysis of financial statements, market conditions, future earnings potential, and other factors to arrive at an objective economic value estimate.

Valuation Services We Offer In India

Here is the list of Valuation services we offer: 

  1. Valuation of Tangible Assets 

  2. Valuation of Intangible Assets, Brands & Intellectual Property Rights

  3. Company and Business Valuation Services In India

  4. Valuation of large and Complex Infrastructure 

  5. Valuation Of Non-Performing Assets (NPA) 

  6. Valuation for Capital Gains, Partition cases, Dispute resolution and Litigations

  7. Valuation Under SARFAESI Act 2002

  8. Valuation for Mergers and Acquisitions

  9. Valuation of Financial Securities & Instruments

  10. Fair Value Measurement as per IndAS, IAS & IFRS

  11. Valuation for company/ debt restructuring purpose

  12. Valuation under the Companies Act 2013

  13. Valuation for Insurance purposes

Valuation of Tangible Assets 

Valuation of Tangible Assets involves determining the fair market value of physical assets owned by a company or an individual. Tangible Assets include properties, buildings, land, machinery, equipment, vehicles, inventory, and other physical assets that can be seen and touched. The valuation of these assets is important for various reasons, such as financial reporting, insurance purposes, taxation, mergers and acquisitions, and asset management.

Valuation of Intangible Assets, Brands & Intellectual Property Rights

Valuing intangible assets includes providing valuation opinions or consulting services to individuals or multiple intangible liabilities or assets and intellectual property owners to assess their worth. This assessment then serves to identify Patents, Copyrights, Brand names, Trade Names, Goodwill, software, etc. Find out the Intangible assets, brands & intellectual Property Rights valuation. 

Company and Business Valuation Services In India

Assessing a business or company valuation is critical in various scenarios, from finding investors to making strategic choices and producing financial reports. Thus, in today's legal, controlled, and accounting environments, companies and firms require comprehensive valuation solutions to ascertain their value to continue growing and accurately ensure success.

Valuation of large and Complex Infrastructure 

Valuation of large and complex infrastructure assets, such as infrastructure and industrial assets, be carried out to ease the accurate financial reporting process, investment analysis, and strategic planning processes. Such valuations allow stakeholders, such as investors, government agencies, and financial institutions, to make better decisions regarding developing, acquiring, or managing such assets. 

Valuation Of Non-Performing Assets (NPA) 

Valuation for Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) is a complex process that involves a deep understanding of the financial and economic factors that affect the value of these assets. The main challenge in valuing NPAs is accurately estimating their recovery value, which is the amount that can be recovered from selling these assets.

Valuation for Capital Gains, Partition cases, Dispute resolution and litigations

Capital Gain is the profit from selling capital assets. When an asset is sold for more than its purchase price, long-term and short-term capital gains are realised. Capital gains can be long-term or short-term. Capital gain is based on transactions made by individuals or groups during a fiscal year. When filing partition suits, the total property involved must be determined, and when dealing with estate matters, one-third of that share must be determined for suit value.

Valuation Under SARFAESI Act 2002

As per the SARFAESI Act, 2002, and Rule 8(5) of Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002, before affecting the sale of property, an authorised officer must obtain a property valuation from an approved valuer. Know more here.

Valuation for Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions take place for various reasons, but their primary goal remains to help businesses expand their size and value on the market. Following such transactions, their total combined value equals each independent value involved in the deal. However, mergers and acquisitions often have unintended repercussions due to the inaccurate valuation of entities involved. Though there are established methodologies and approaches for estimating the value of an entity, applying them in practice is often complex and tricky. Thus, it becomes essential that mergers and acquisitions involve proper approaches and methods in estimating entity values to prevent financial setbacks.

Valuation of Financial Securities & Instruments

Valuation of financial securities and instruments is vital for making informed investment choices, assessing risk, and ensuring fair pricing. It supports market efficiency and transparency, helps investors compare potential returns, and guides financial planning. Accurate valuation is essential for regulatory compliance and maintaining confidence in financial markets.

Fair Value Measurement as Per IndAS, IAS & IFRS

Fair value measurement under IndAS, IAS, and IFRS ensures financial reporting transparency, consistency, and comparability. It reflects an asset's or liability's market value, aiding investors in making informed decisions and enhancing confidence in companies' financial statements across different jurisdictions.

Valuation for Debt Restructuring Purpose

Carrying out the valuation of a company that's in restructuring can be a delicate matter. It can be hotly contested by creditors and shareholders concerned about their investments. The valuation process can be even more challenging when the business is in distress, as is often the case. There are likely big question marks around whether the attempted turnaround will be successful.

Valuation under the Companies Act 2013

Valuation under the Companies Act 2013 ensures accurate financial reporting, helps in fair shareholder transactions, and supports regulatory compliance. It is essential for mergers, acquisitions, and financial restructuring, providing transparency and protecting investor interests by reflecting the true worth of a company's assets and liabilities.

Valuation for Insurance Purposes

Valuation for insurance purposes ensures accurate coverage, fair premium calculation, and adequate compensation in case of loss or damage. It helps determine the correct value of insured assets, avoiding underinsurance or overinsurance, and providing peace of mind to policyholders by guaranteeing financial protection.

Importance of Having Valuation Service Providers

You must know their importance when searching for property valuers near me. Valuation service providers cannot be overstated, as they are crucial in various aspects of business operations and strategic decision-making.  

Having valuation service providers is crucial for businesses and individuals for several key reasons:

1. Accurate Asset Valuation

Valuation service providers ensure that the assets of a business are accurately valued. This is important for financial reporting, ensuring regulation compliance, and making informed business decisions. Accurate asset valuation helps assess a business's worth, which is essential for investors, stakeholders, and management.

2. Investment Decisions

Having a reliable valuation is fundamental to making sound investment decisions for investors. Valuation service providers offer insights into the fair value of investments, helping investors decide whether to buy, hold, or sell assets. This reduces the risk of overpaying for an investment or selling it below its worth.

3. Mergers and Acquisitions

During mergers and acquisitions, valuation service providers play a critical role. They assess the target company's value to ensure that the transaction is fair and reasonable. This helps negotiate the right price and structure the deal effectively.

4. Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Valuation service providers are often called upon in legal disputes involving asset values. Their expertise can be critical in providing unbiased and accurate valuations, which can be used as evidence in court cases or arbitration. This helps in resolving disputes efficiently and fairly.

5. Taxation and Compliance

Proper asset valuation is necessary for taxation purposes. Valuation service providers help businesses comply with tax regulations by providing accurate valuations for tax reporting. This helps avoid penalties and ensures that businesses pay the right taxes.

6. Strategic Planning

Businesses use valuations for strategic planning purposes. Understanding the value of assets and business segments helps make informed decisions about expansion, divestiture, or restructuring. Valuation service providers offer the expertise needed to assess the potential impact of strategic decisions.

7. Financing and Fundraising

Businesses must present accurate valuations to potential lenders or investors when seeking financing or fundraising. Valuation service providers help determine the business's fair value, which is critical in securing funding. Accurate valuations provide confidence to investors and lenders, facilitating better financing terms.

8. Insurance Purposes

Valuations are also important for insurance purposes. They help determine the appropriate amount of insurance coverage needed for assets. Valuation service providers assess the value of assets to ensure that businesses have adequate coverage in case of loss or damage.

9. Estate Planning

For individuals, valuation service providers assist in estate planning by valuing assets accurately. This is essential for distributing assets according to the owner's wishes and for tax planning. Accurate valuations ensure beneficiaries receive their fair share and help minimize estate taxes.

Valuation service providers offer expertise for accurate asset valuation, strategic decision-making, legal compliance, and financial reporting. Their role is critical in business and personal finance, providing the necessary information to make informed decisions and ensuring fair value assessments, and here comes R.K Associates for their expertise in this area.

Reason to Choose Us For Valuation Services in India 

Choosing R.K. Associates for valuation services offers several compelling advantages, making us a standout option in the industry not in India also the best valuers in Noida. 

Here are the key reasons to consider R.K. Associates for your valuation needs:

Expertise and Experience

Extensive Experience

R.K. Associates has over 35 years of experience in valuations and consulting engineering services. This extensive experience allows us to handle complex, large-scale projects confidently and precisely.

Diverse Industry Knowledge

You have a broad understanding of various industries, including Power, Steel, Cement, Infrastructure, Roads & Highways, Petrochemicals, Sugar, Real Estate, Hotels and Hospitality, Food Processing, and Textile. This diverse industry knowledge ensures that here you can get tailored valuation services that meet the specific needs of different sectors.

Comprehensive Services

Wide Range of Services

We offer a comprehensive suite of services, including the valuation of tangible and intangible assets, financial securities, and instruments. In addition, we provide Lender’s Independent Engineering (LIE) services, Techno Economic Viability (TEV) studies, transaction and process advisory services, turnaround and business transformation services, and more.

Specialised Monitoring and Advisory

Our valuation firms also offer an Agency for Specialized Monitoring, empanelled by the Indian Bank Association for monitoring accounts with more than Rs. 250 crore loan exposure. This specialised service ensures clients receive detailed, accurate monitoring and advisory services. Read Here 

Quality and Standards

High-Quality Reporting

We are known for world-class reporting and due diligence services. The comprehensive, detailed, and error-free reports enable clients to make informed and effective business decisions.

Professional Ethics and Integrity

We maintain the highest professional ethics and integrity, ensuring our services are reliable and trustworthy. We maintain quality, even if it comes at the cost of business.

Technological Innovation

Digital Platform

We developed the world’s first fully digital platform, a valuation intelligent system, to integrate the complete valuation life cycle. This platform enhances the efficiency and accuracy of the valuation process and provides a rich database related to valuation and mortgage property information.

Big Data and Knowledge Repository

We maintain a rich internal Big Data and Knowledge Repository on industry, economy, government policies, and various sectors. This repository helps in providing insightful and data-driven valuation services.

Recognition and Trust

Awards and Accolades

We received numerous accolades and awards from reputed institutions and societies, recognising their excellence in valuations and consulting engineering services. We are the most trusted property valuer in Noida and property valuer in Delhi NCR.

Empaneled with Major Banks

Our firm is empanelled with most major Public Sector Banks (PSBs) like IBA, SBI, BoB, PNB, and IFCI, a testament to their credibility and trustworthiness in the industry.

In conclusion, R.K. Associates is a premier choice for valuation services in India due to its extensive experience, comprehensive service offerings, high-quality reporting, professional ethics, technological innovation, and strong industry recognition. Their commitment to excellence and client satisfaction makes us reliable partners for all valuation and consulting needs.

Contact us to Get a Free Consultation.

Call us at (0120) 4110117, 4324647, +91-9958632707) or email us at valuers@rkassociates.org  to discuss your needs. 


What is Business Valuation?

Business valuation is the process of determining the economic value of a business or company. This involves assessing various aspects such as assets, liabilities, revenue, profits, market conditions, and more to arrive at a fair market value.

Why Do Businesses Need Valuation Services?

Businesses need valuation services for several reasons, including:

  • Strategic Planning: To make informed decisions about future investments and strategies.

  • Mergers and Acquisitions: To determine a fair price for buying or selling a business.

  • Financial Reporting: For accurate financial statements and compliance with accounting standards.

  • Raising Capital: To attract investors by clearly showing the company's worth.

  • Legal Compliance: For tax purposes, litigation, and dispute resolution.

What Are the Different Methods of Business Valuation?

There are several methods used to value a business, including:

  • Market Approach: Comparing the business to similar companies in the market.

  • Income Approach: Using projected cash flows and profitability to determine value.

  • Asset-Based Approach: Calculating the value of the company's assets minus liabilities.

Who Should Perform a Business Valuation?

A neutral, third-party professional should perform a business valuation to ensure objectivity and accuracy. This can include certified valuation analysts, accredited senior appraisers, or other qualified professionals with expertise in valuation.

How Much Does a Business Valuation Cost?

The cost of a business valuation varies depending on the complexity and scope of the valuation. Factors such as the size of the business, the purpose of the valuation, and the level of detail required can all influence the cost. Consulting with a valuation expert is recommended to get an accurate estimate.

How Long Does a Business Valuation Take?

The duration of a business valuation can range from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the business and the thoroughness of the valuation process. Typically, it takes about 4 to 6 weeks once all necessary documents and information are provided.

What Information is Needed for a Business Valuation?

To perform a business valuation, the following information is typically required:

  • Financial statements (income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements)

  • Tax returns

  • Details of assets and liabilities

  • Information on market conditions and industry trends

  • Business plans and projections

When Should a Business Valuation Be Conducted?

A business valuation should be conducted during significant business events such as:

  • Preparing for a sale or merger

  • Raising capital or securing financing

  • Succession planning or estate planning

  • Legal disputes or divorce proceedings

  • Regular intervals for strategic planning and performance assessment.

What Are the Benefits of Regular Business Valuations?

Regular business valuations provide several benefits, including:

  • Tracking business performance and growth

  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses

  • Making informed strategic decisions

  • Ensuring accurate financial reporting and compliance

  • Facilitating smoother transitions during mergers, acquisitions, or ownership changes.

Can Valuation Services Help in Legal Disputes?

Yes, valuation services are crucial in legal disputes, providing objective assessments of asset value that can support case arguments, settlement negotiations, and court decisions. Expert valuation testimony can be particularly valuable in litigation and dispute resolution.

By understanding these key aspects of valuation services, business owners can make informed decisions and effectively plan for the future. Sources:

  1. Sofer Advisors - A Comprehensive Guide to Business Valuation

  2. Value Team - 30 FAQs on Business Valuation

  3. Moss Adams - Business Valuation FAQ: Benefits, Methods, and Process Overview

  4. Capital Valuation Group - Business Valuation Frequently Asked Questions




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Contact Us

Email Us : valuers@rkassociates.org
Call Us : (0120) 4110117, 4324647, +91-9958632707
Address : D-39, 2nd Floor, Sector-2, Noida, Uttar Pradesh -201301

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